May 5, 2010

The Top 10 of Engineering

The feeling has hit me in the stomach and I promise it is not a pleasant one , the feeling of going away ,leaving everything behind is driving me nuts .Even though every minute here has been something special ,let me just give you the highlights . Here's a list of the top 10 moments of my four year stay at Allahabad.

Episode 10 - Physics Class Kick Out

First Semester

Attending classes had been a pain for me even from my school days . College was no different . But our very own Gopi had figured out a way to beat the system . Go to Computer Centre - Orkut - Come back five minutes before the attendance through the back door . Foolproof ! . But nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool . I tried the same only to bump into the teacher on my way back through the door . The teacher had a field day and i lived with the fear of getting an arrear (courtesy my seniors santhosh and diwakar who scared me about the whole thing). As it turned out the guy had a poor memory and ended up giving me a good grade :)

Episode 9 - Mr. Ms. Freshers

First Semester

The Mr. & Ms. Fresher writtens were over and i had cleared it . Next step was interview at M.P hall . I reached there at 6 pm in the evening and after a point got bored of birdwatching . Mayank , one of the coordinators told me that my turn would be very late . So i dozed off and as luck would have it i had a dream about a short love story (really short ) when i was preparing for AIEEE .The dream got really senti . Mayank woke me up in the middle of my dream and took me for the interview and all hell broke loose . I made myself look like an idiot in front of those seniors . Blabbered something incoherent and no surprise ended up getting kicked out of Mr. Fresher . To add to my agony my seniors were also present in the panel and they teased me about the whole thing for the whole of first year and i think they still do :(

Episode 8 - Cloth Burning

Fourth Semester

Yaswanth a.k.a Yegnesh as you all know has a thing for colorful clothes . During the second year his love for orange and fluorescent green went beyond the limit . I and Mayuran ( If u dont know this guy yet ,u r missing out on a lot of fun , one of the best story tellers and always a partner -in-crime ) decided to do something about it . First we asked him not to wear such flashy clothes . As the saying goes "laato ke bhoot baato se nahi maante" , He continued his penchant for orange and green . One evening we opened his suitcase . Took out everything that was remotely colourful and then went to the terrace of the hostel and burnt everything . Mayuran and I were coming down with a big grin on our face when yaswanth spotted us but didn't suspect anything . We maintained our story about a cloth robber in hostel till final year when Mayuran blurted out the details . A big sorry to yaswanth :|

Episode 7 - The Proctor call

Second Semester

There were four Srilankan Tamil guys in my batch . Thava , Mayuran , Senduran and Sajenthan . As it turned out the other three guys did't like Sajenthan . So one night Thava woke me up at 2 in the morning and asked me to knock on Sajenthan's door because of the fact that sajenthan wouldn't open the door if he heard thava's voice . I knocked it and there opened the pandora's box . The three of them rushed inside his room and pulled me in too . Lights off- Bedsheet on sajenthan - flurry of hits from all directions - Run back to room . This continued for over 3 months . Everyday was something different but the fact remained that Sajenthan got hit . One fine day Sajenthan's dad came all the way from Srilanka . Thava , Mayuran and Sendu got proctor calls . I swear i dont know why i didn't get a call . Pheww. Nothing serious happened ,a few warnings and they were off the hook . Sajenthan left the college and is now is NUS Singapore . God bless him :P

Episode 6 - Marijuana

Fourth Semester

I got a ping and this is what is said Thava : Come to 103 , jnrs are here and i got something new too ,everyone's high . I went there . My juniors were having their final ragging session .There was an apparatus which luked pretty weird . BONG. Thats what they called it and said it was for smoking grass . Very hesitant at first but tried it somehow .Got high in 3 puffs . My batchie santhosh put a a pair of earplugs across my head ,and there it was There's a lady who is sure .. all that glitters is gold .. and she's buying a stairway to heaven .. (thank u so much for that santhosh , it was a one way trip to heaven) . This is what i have to say about the whole thing . If you are not the kind who gets addicted ,Please try grass once . Its a once in a lifetime experience that you get only in your UG days.

Episode 5 - The Job

Eight Semester

The whole of seventh semester had passed and i hadn't managed a job yet . I had read my monthly horoscope by Susan miller in some website and it said that until Jan 15 th my sun sign was under a bad phase and on the night of 15 th it all would take a turn for the best . I was pumped... wait .. Being the pessimist that i am , I wanted to crosscheck with last December's horoscope to make sure . Turns out i should have got two jobs and a new girlfriend according to Susan miller in December . So all the excitement vanished in a matter of seconds . Again back to normal. Wait for company. Clear written. Get all excited. Prepare whole night. Wear different formals for every interview (superstition never goes away ) . Go do well ( or so i thought ). Get rejected . Smoke two fags. Watch some serial. Wait for next company .
As luck ,fate,destiny,karma whatever, would have it I got placed on the night of 15 th at 3 am (Love you Susan ,hope your romance prediction comes true too ).Hcl Infosystems , marketing profile , Hyderabad .
It was relief more than anything else.

Episode 4 - The 4 am Train episode

Seventh Semester

I and a friend had tickets on the same train for going back home during winter vacations . Being the remote village that Allahabad is, the girls were not allowed outside their hostel after 10 pm ,even if they had a train , and our train was at 4 am in the morning . Luckily she had a bike and we decided to spend the night on the road . That day had been bad for me . I got through to the final round of Samsung and screwed up my technical interview .Rejected! . So wasn't really upbeat about the night on the road . That night turned out to be fascinating to say the least . Misplaced my ATM pin number, so had no money . The Cafe Coffee day which is supposedly open 24 hours closed at 12 midnight . 7 degree freezing cold ,and the typical allahabadi youth who will stare at anything which looks remotely like a female . Roamed every street that i could steer the bike into . Talked about everything under the sun . Ate and drank at every shop that was open at that time of the night and finally boarded the train and slept like a log . One of the best nights of these four years .

Episode 3 - Nit Durgapur Football

Fifth Semester

I was very regular with the football practice sessions every evening yet hadn't been able to make my way into the coveted college team . The team was leaving for inter nit tournament in durgapur and somehow i managed a spot in the team .Skipped my winter vacatins and trained very hard for it and surprisingly was in the playing 11 during the first match . My hands and legs were shivering with fear before i entered the ground .Flood lights , big crowd and also the highly reputed opponents in Nit Durgapur. The moment i made my first save , the nerves vanished . Ended up conceding only one goal in the five matches that we played . The spirit in the team , the non formal atmosphere , the pep talks , the expert opinions , the fights , the bakar . The whole experience was just magical .

Episode 2 - NITIE Mumbai

Eight Semester

I had decided in fourth semester that engineering was not the thing for me . Joined CAT coaching classes in fifth sem and studied hard for it . But the results were not satisfactory . Managed only 93 % ile .Had a quota , still IIMs eluded me ,got a call from Nitie Mumbai . After a not so good group discussion and a Ok-Ok Personal interview i didn't have much hopes . Also the standard of competition there was unforeseen . But life can surprise you at times . Converted the Nitie call, couldn't believe it and kept staring at the monitor for a lot of time .I am on my way to pursue my MBA over there and the best part is my senior Santhosh also converted his call and we'll be batchies over there :)

Episode 1 - The 21 st b'day phone call

Seventh Semester

Me and a friend of mine were not on talking terms after a fight we had in seventh semester . We started ignoring each other completely . This went on for a period of two months . For the first 15 days this was eating me up inside considering the fact that we had been pretty close friends till seventh semester . But my ego wouldn't let me go and talk to her . So i resigned to the fact that the friendship was over . I got a message 5 days before my 21 st b'day wishing me all the best for my BHEL interview from her. I read the message a 100 times and finaly replied with a thnk u after three days . A day before my b'day I saw her walking with her friends and she smiled at me . I knew if i look at her face every feeling of anger i had inside me would vanish . So changed directions and walked on the other side . On the night 15 th September the people in wing decided to booze . I stayed sober to attend the phone calls and reply with a big thank u . I came to room at around 12:15 in the night when i saw a gtalk message from the same friend . She had blocked me all those days . This is what it said sry for everything , and a very happy b'day . can v talk ? I kicked my ego right in the butt and ignored every piece of warning from santhosh and yaswanth that night and decided to go ahead with the chat . The chat /phone call went on till 4 am in the morning .Sorted out everything that night . That was one of the best decisions i had made in college . When you put all your time in trusting someone don't be in a hurry to change it .Now things are all hunky dory :D

so there goes my top 10 at Nit Allahabad .

Ps : This is not a goodbye article . Will try to squeeze two more before i say the final goodbye :)


badmovies said...

here is my perspective

episode 10 : all back benchers who run outta the class the back door were unsure about the new prof. until one genius tries the unthinkable and gets caught too...

episode 9 : wasnt dere
episode 8 : no comments
episode 7 : one fine day i too decide to come along with u guys, which was the only day u switched on the lights and i too was dere... :(
episode 6 : what happened to ur third sem marksheet??? :P

Praveen said...


im glad u wernt thr at the freshers thing .. or u wud have killed me by saying that over and over again

episode 7 : badluck

episode 6 : public , no comments :P

Unknown said...

very interesting!

Nitish.. said...

a very interesting read..had fun while reading and all along i was thinking, while i put down my ten points next year :P :P

Praveen said...

thank u gautam and nitish . now i kno y u guys didn't comment on the previous posts :P

@ nitish - dont make ur list too soon. final yr has a lot of things to offer

vicky said...

totally envy you :P

trademark praveen as always :)

vaseey said...

naice da.. n1 n1 n1... fab writin. sir mail me ya autograph :P

Praveen said...

@ vicky - thnx a lot

@ vaasey - thnx and idu konjam over

a said...

:D :D
romba senti mood la iruka konja naalave..paathu irunduko thambi :)

night said...

nice story making skills...
i think u will be our next Chetan Bhagat from NIT...

Unknown said...

nice read .. nd the part abt G is true man .. a must do in UG ... nd abt yashwanth's clothes LOLOL ... how can anyone fall for the clothes robber story :P

Praveen said...

@ aruna - cant help it :|

@ashu - thnx, kuch jyada nahi ho raha hai ??

@raunak - experience eh ? and dont expect sanity when it comes to yaswanth !

abby said...

i agree... u hav to write a book...

harini said...

so many new revelations about u :P
totally enjoyed it , thr is something fishy about your "friend " in episode 4 and 1 ;)

Praveen said...

thnx abi and @ harini - thnx and keep guessing :)

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